There might be certain instances when you encounter an error while sharing a post on your Pinterest Boards. It can happen for a few reasons, which we’re going to discuss along with their possible solutions.
1. Use the ‘Save’ button
Error message: To save an idea you find on Pinterest, use the Save button you find on each Pin
Solution: There is no official solution provided by Pinterest for this. We request that you please try sharing your post again after some time.
2. A broken image
Error message: Sorry, this image is broken. Please pick a different image.
Solution: When you receive this error, we request that you please re-upload the image.
3. Inappropriate content
Error message: Sorry! We blocked this description because it contains a link that may lead to inappropriate content.
Solution: When you receive this error, you need to change the description and the link in your post.
4. Blocked link
Error message: Sorry! We blocked this link because it may lead to inappropriate content.
Solution: When you receive this error, you need to change the link in your post.
5. Invalid request
Error message: Invalid request.
Solution: When you receive this error, you need to check the posted content data to ensure that everything is valid.
6. Board not found
Error message: Board not found.
Solution: This error means that the user deleted the board directly from Pinterest.
7. Link blocked to avoid spam
Error message: Sorry! We blocked this link because it may lead to spam.
Solution: When you receive this error, you need to change the link in your post.
8. Image to small
Error message: Your image is too small. Please choose a larger image and try again.
Solution: When you receive this error, you need to upload a valid image again.
9. Image required
Error message: Pinterest could not work without an image.
Solution: When you receive this error, you need to upload an image, as Pinterest does not allow you to share a post without media.
10. Invalid URL
Error message: Whoops! It looks like you entered an invalid URL. Try creating a pin again with a valid URL.
Solution: When you receive this error, you need to change the link or URL in your post, as the URL or link you are trying to share may be invalid.
11. Link blocked as it may redirect to spam
Error message: Sorry! We blocked this link because it may redirect to spam.
Solution: When you receive this error, you need to change the link in your post, as the link may redirect to spam.
12. Image not fetched
Error message: Pinterest could not fetch the image.
Solution: When you receive this error, you need to upload a valid image or image URL.
13. Trouble redirecting to site URL
Error message: We’re having some trouble talking to <site url>. Please try again later!
Solution: When you receive this error, you need to try sharing your post again after some time, as Pinterest may have trouble posting the given link pins.
14. Daily video upload limit reached
Error message: You have hit the daily video upload limit for now. Please try posting it again after some time.
Solution: Pinterest imposes a daily posting limit of 25 posts per 24 hours per account in their API. If you’ve reached this limit, wait until the next day to share more posts.
15. General posting error
Error message: There was an error while posting this update. Please try again later.
Solution: This error may occur due to temporary issues on Pinterest’s end or other internal factors. We request that you please try sharing your post again after some time. If the problem persists, ensure that your content meets all Pinterest guidelines and technical specifications and verify that your Pinterest account has the necessary permissions for RecurPost on Pinterest 3rd-party apps page.
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