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Image Sharing Guidelines

When sharing an image on different social platforms, here are the guidelines you should be following.


  1. File type: JPG or PNG 
  2. Recommended image size is 1200 x 630 pixels (1.91:1 to 1:1 Ratio) 
  3. Maximum file size must be 10 MB.
  4. Minimum width and height: 600 x 600 pixels.
  5. In a single post, you can share up to 15 images on your Facebook Page and only 1 image on your Facebook Profile and Group using RecurPost.


  1. LinkedIn supports up to 6012 x 6012 px image size. However, LinkedIn recommends using images with a 1.91:1 aspect ratio (such as 1200 x 627 pixels) to share the post.
  2. If the image width is less than 200 pixels wide, it will appear as a thumbnail on the left side of the post.
  3. Maximum file size must be 10 MB.
  4. Supported file type: LinkedIn supports common image file formats such as JPEG, PNG, and GIF.
  5. You can share up to 9 images in a single post using RecurPost.


  1. Photos can be up to 5 MB and animated GIFs can be up to 5 MB.
  2. Supported image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG files. BMP and TIFF files are not supported.
  3. Recommend size is 1200 x 675 pixels or an aspect ratio of 16:9. 
  4. You can share up to 4 images in a single post using RecurPost.


Instagram Feed

  1. Image format should be JPEG
  2. Maximum file size can be 8 MB.
  3. Aspect ratio must be within a 4:5 to 1.91:1 range
    • Square images: 1080 x 1080 pixels
    • Landscape images: 1080 x 608 pixels
    • Portrait images: 1080 x 1350 pixels
  4. Minimum width: 320 px (will be scaled up to the minimum if necessary)
  5. Maximum width: 1440 px (will be scaled down to the maximum if necessary).
  6. You can share up to 10 images in a single post using RecurPost.

Instagram Story

  1. Image format should be JPEG
  2. File size can be 8 MB maximum.
  3. For Aspect ratio: It is recommended to have 9:16 to avoid cropping or blank space
    • Recommended resolution: 1080 x 1920 pixels

Google Business Profile

  1. Format: JPG or PNG. (Images with .Webp will be failed as Google does not support that)
  2. Size: Between 10 KB and 5 MB.
  3. Recommended resolution: 720 px tall, 720 px wide.
  4. Minimum resolution: 250 px tall, 250 px wide.
  5. You can only 1 image in a single post using RecurPost.


  1. Display sizes: For square pins, 1000 x 1000 pixels can be used and the recommended size is 1000 x 1500 pixels (i.e. rectangular pins).
  2. Maximum file size: 20 MB
  3. Aspect ratio: 2:3 to 1:3.5
  4. Image file types: JPG and PNG.
  5. You can only 1 image in a single post using RecurPost.

Note: On the feed, Pins are displayed with a fixed width of 236 pixels.

Meta Threads

  1. Format: JPEG and PNG image types are the officially supported formats.
  2. File Size: 8 MB maximum.
  3. Aspect Ratio Limit: 10:1.
  4. Dimensions:
    • Minimum Width: 320 (will be scaled up to the minimum if necessary)
    • Maximum Width: 1440 (will be scaled down to the maximum if necessary)
    • Height: Varies based on width and aspect ratio
  5. Color Space: sRGB. Images using other color spaces will have their color spaces converted to sRGB.

Please feel free to reach out to us here, if you are facing any issues or need help with sharing images from RecurPost.

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